
Stacey Hynd, ‘Constructing the Child Soldier Crisis: The Development of Transnational Advocacy and Humanitarian Campaigns against the Recruitment and Use of Children in Conflict, c.1970-2000’, Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, 12.3 (Fall 2021), 265-85.

Stacey Hynd, ‘Uncircumcised Boys’ and ‘Girl Spartans’: Youth, Gender and Generation in Insurgency and Colonial Counterinsurgency, c. 1954-9’, Gender & History, 33.2 (2021), 536-56.

Stacey Hynd, ‘Trauma, Violence and Memory in African Child Soldier Memoirs’, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, 45.1 (2021), 74-96.

Stacey Hynd, ‘In/visible Girls: ‘Girl Soldiers’, Gender and Humanitarianism in African Conflicts, c. 1955-2005’, in Johannes Paulmann, Esther Möller & Katharina Stornig (eds.), Gender & Humanitarianism: (Dis-)Empowering Women and Men in the Twentieth Century (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020), pp. 255-280.

Stacey Hynd, ‘Small Warriors? Children and Youth in Colonial Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgency, c.1945-75’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 62.4 (2020), 684-713.

Stacey Hynd, ‘Pickpockets, Pilot Boys and Prostitutes: The Construction of Juvenile Delinquency in the Gold Coast, 1929-57’, Journal of West African History, 4.2 (2018), 47-74.

Stacey Hynd, ‘I Wasn’t a Boy, I Was a Soldier: Militarization and Civilianization in Narratives of Child Soldiers in Africa’s Contemporary Conflicts, c.1990-2010’, in Martin C. Thomas & Andrew Barrios (eds.), The Civilianization of Conflict (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), pp. 141-61.

Stacey Hynd, ‘“To be taken as a wife is a form of death”: The Social, Military, and Humanitarian Dynamics of Forced marriage and Girl Soldiers in African Conflicts, c.1990-2010” in Benjamin Lawrence, Richard L. Roberts & Anne Bunting (eds.), Forced Marriage in Contemporary and Historical Perspective (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2016), pp. 292-312.

Marie-Luce Desgrandchamps, L’humanitaire en guerre civile. La crise du Biafra (1967-1970), Rennes, PUR, 2018.

***« En quête de légitimité. Le Comité international de la Croix-Rouge et l’Afrique durant les années 1960. », Mondes, 2021/1, n°19, pp. 221-239.

Biafra, Humanitarian Intervention and History », Journal of Humanitarian Affairs, Vol.2, n°2, 2020, pp. 66-78, (with Lasse Heerten, Arua Oko Omaka, Kevin O’Sullivan, Bertrand Taithe).

***« Entre ambitions universalistes et préjugés raciaux. La mission du Comité international de la Croix-Rouge en Afrique méridionale et centrale au début des années 1960 », Histoire@Politique, n°41, 2020.